This is the very first time experience the temor of earthquake coming from our neighbour Sumatera. God bless them. Lot of life loss in the second missisippi. First, I was skimming musical notes. Suddenly I feel my laptop is swaying. I though is illusion. So I don't care it is 6.16pm. Then my chair start to follow the rapor too. I feel strange and I think of my empty stomach. As I personally have anemia so guess is lack of glucose or something else. Second ignorance. My table start to slide a bit, chair continue to swaying. I feel damn confused so I stand up and hold on the wall. I even feel I myself is swaying with the building. Here I listen lots of people gushing down the staircase. Lots of footstep flood my mind.
First thought is Malaysia got earthquake? INcredible. Next, I look out the window if nearby got any construction site. No .. empty. 0.0 even if there are thousand and million of aeroplan always fly pass my condo back and fro every single day. I never feel the temor like this. I look worried and walk out of my room. Non verbal with my housemate we agreed there is something wrong. So, I quickly take my important stuff, convience my housemate to be calm. Actually, I feel more frightening. My hand start shaking di. Soon, as we grab all the things we go.
My humor housemate still ask me: We need to carry laptop?
Thanks God! You want to burry yourself with that foolish rectangular metal? If it is destroyed we can buy again but if our life is loss it will mortally waving to us and say bye bye.
it will be a life experience.. where's mine?