Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Time Management

Talking about time management from Yes You Can! ~Jack Collis
First you will need to find out how you are currently using your time
-What did I do well in terms of time usage and can I do more of it?
-Where did I waste time and what should I do to avoid doing it again?
-What did I do that had to be done but could have been done by someone else?
-Am I doing some activities over and over again and would I be more effective if I organised them into a procedure?
-Am I using all the talents of others especially my secretary of staff to lighten the load on me?
-Is excessive involvement in meetings reducing my contribution and limiting my chances to perform?

Secondly, Plan Recurring events and decide what need not be done.Decide what can be delegated and handle paper only once. Only have on your desk the item on which you are currently working.

When we move our focus to meeting. This is really a big issue.
Why am I here? I could be doing something important with this time. Cooperation and communication are important. Confidence i a great attribute and should always be fostered.

*Only hold meeting when they are necessary.
*Have agenda circulated to all interested parties before meeting.
*Send final agenda with all items listed in order of importance. Give each item allotted time and stick to agenda.
*Only invited those who are vital role.
* Restricted to current matter only.
*Minutes circulated right after meeting.
*Let people know actions are proposed before closing meeting. Who is responsible to do what has to be done. When it is to be done by. Who has to be advised when it has completed.
*Send minutes to those interested and excuse not going meeting.

MOre and more++
1)Read a book that develop your skills if you travel by train.
2)Play tapes that develop your knowledge, that inspire you to think big and motivate you to put what you learn into effect in your life.
3)Check "to do list" Did you get it all done?
4)Plan "to do list" early morning and complete list you started yesterday.
5)Quiet time can be productive
6)Relax 10 min every morning as to be productive.
7)Spend 15 min walk appreciating how good it is to be alive. Look for beauty and you will find it.
8)Spare minutes for preparation to gather info and material you will need to complete your report
9)Do what you can, with what you have and where you are. Focus on result rather that process.
10) Reward yourself
11) Set deadlines and tell someone about them so that you increase your commitment to achieving that objective.

Success is not paid in money but knowledge, activity creative thinking, innovation, identification, preparation , commitment and compromise. If you want more, then give more, know more, do more- pay the price because payoff is fantastic. Forever onwards, upwards, never retreat, a total commitment and focus on the result. Focus the energy on your goal driving the force that powers personal motivation and motivation is the fuel of life.

Ways to get our goal
1) Balance your picture
2) Align your goal
3) Cooperation
4) Visualize what you want only
5) Have a clear image of what you want
6) Accept responsibility
7) Set a time of accomplishment
8) How will I know when I achieve my goal?
9) Check on progress
10) Write down HOW TO

Now create a list of possible activities that will help you to achieve your goal. Keep asking what if I do this? Judge later. Not until you are exhausted.

Do the things you are afraid to do and the death of fear is certain. Remember, time will decide the duration of your life, thought will decide its quality. You have but one life, you come this way but once. You should make it count and the best way but once. You should make it count and the best way to do that is to achieve your possible dream.

Never give up, we all make our contribution to the future of the human race. Our responsibility is to see that we realize what is our potential. No doubt that whatever levels we advance, the human race will adapt and cope but enjoy, foster and move on. FOCUS ON OPPORTUNITIES, not problems.If you take the chance and create change in your life, you become a leader- create the meaning of life.

Whatever course you decide upon there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong.
There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. 
To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Time really is life and life is all you have. Life ill be as beautiful as you can imagine. You will be as happy as you think you are and you will be as rich and as successful as you are willing to settle for. Whatever your dream, begin it now. You do not have to wait for your ship to come in.


They are all those line I love in the book of YES YOU CAN by Jack Collis

Monday, November 22, 2010

Yes you can leap the Chasm with two Steps

Dust off my passion in reading. Once again I pick up something amazing in the library. Something to share about too~ health, happiness, wealth and life is your own choice and do choose them wisely.Just by changing your thought you change your destiny belief or not?

Vividly imagined events->Purposeful action-> faith and belief
Now is the time to decide. You can start here and now on one of the greatest journeys of your life. There are no limitations. Whatever you can do or dream you can., begin it now. To know what to do and not do it is the greatest crime you can commit against yourself. Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will create the fact. The longest journey and the best way is to implement the power of your life.

Happiness flows through me, I am deeply relaxed and happy.

To increase our self-image by understanding the self-image is inner certainty that we are someone of value, worth knowing, worth loving, worth respecting. To increase our chances in life we need to move out of our comfort level and that can be done by changing our self-talk.

'Love is the answer, whatever the question' A Course in Miracles

Motivation: The fuel of life
Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas.

The Basics of Motivation
1) Self communication
2) Understand and create positive, motivating, and happy responses--Responsibility, accountability, high quality positive feedback on performance, positive communications and ego recognition. || Money and physical comfort.
3) Create a healthy environment
4) Evaluating and building self esteem

All about Time
Each day of our lives, we give away the day in exchange of whatever it is we are willing to take. We will never again have the day back, it is gone forever, we have exchanged the most precious thing we have, one day of our lives. We should make sure we get real value for the only thing of real value we have, which is our lives.

I believe that we want to achieve dual goals of effectiveness and productivity. Our efforts to achieve those goals will subject to how well we use our time, because time is always the limiting factor. There is no more of it. You are currently getting all there is, the same 24 hours as everyone else on earth-- so the critical factor is how the best use the time you  have to achieve the goals you want.

Select the most important work and devote your available time and energies to getting this important work done. Good Ques: The only choice you have is how you use the time you have and what work you spend you time and energy.

Picasso-- everything has a price. There is no free lunches and everything costs. No money but more knowledge, more commitment, more enthusiasm, more willingness to take risks, more flexibility, being more accountable.

Top ten time wasters
1) Objectives, priority planning
2) Crisis management
3) Telephone interruptions -- Practice make perfect, so keep using until it became a habit.
'Thanks for calling, it's good to hear from you. Can we resolve this matter in three minutes because I am on the way out. If it takes more time I will come back to you.
4) Attempting too much--work smarter not harder
5) Personal disorganization
6) Drop in visitors
7) Lack of Delegation
8) Indecision and Procrastination
9) Inability to say NO
10) Lack of self discipline

Ask why am I here? I could be doing something important with this time.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I am blessed

With my coursemate Wai Yin
 Miss Sue, the guide
 With my buddies

With da birthday Girl
Afternoon, meet up with my Sister
 We get lost with GPS

 Still end up going the right place safely

 Ice lemon tea always the best choice

 Never see this in rectangle haha
 Nice tom yam

Thanks to my sister. My dinner is blessed. Thanks to my parents
especially my mom. May my family be well and happy always!

Friday, November 19, 2010

I call friend when I really mean it

well, friend are one of my motivation resources. Thanks to them. I keep my passion and tell myself. This world is really nice to me. All above from my beloved different friends. In campus, I do also have angel friend who keep helping me. No doubt, I got some friends who purposely drag on you. And don't let you go. Thus, you must let yourself go before you can release them. Life is good and everyone is good.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


 this is the first time organizing a workshop in Japanese Cultural Society
thanks for giving me such a chance to try!!
Also being a coordinator --not an easy job!
Whole day busy with the workshop preparation also my classes ~
Tired but real happy
 Thanks to my secret master =) she teaches me a lot of things
thing I fail is the rice but I believe I can do better next time

 Handling around 40+ people is not easy

Also thanks to Aaron who helps me!


 I am leaving =) I cannot tell you this is temporarily for permanent.
Will miss you guys forever!
The brother I know since I come for this school!

 Shamimi my junior who helps a lot 
 Wooi Sin helps unconditionally
help me buy stuff in last minutes!

Working makes me FAT (2)

 Meeting with Sis Mad as usually friday~
Iphone games is cool with the super thin feature 
you can feel the heat more often
 RM23.50 Frozen Yohgurt~

 This is my first time going into TGI and have a lunch!!
RM50 fly away hahaa~ I order the cheapest one I though!!

Freshwater fish~

Outing with my SIs

The first time outing with only my sister.