It is a new experience for me to study and work out tough questions with my new friends. I like them much. Specially thanks for Amal, Gladys and Anna. We are all just like different color pencils which mix and complete a beautiful poster. Amal, outgoing and pretty Malay girl who keens in Physics. The cute answer form her : Q: Saturn or Earth will flood on the water? Explain. Ans from Amal: It's the Saturn because it is less dense. Hahaha don't is that explaination?
Gladys origined from Africa, helpful and the brilliant. Triple good in Maths. I mean it just like doing revision for her. Well, it is really nice to talk to her and way back to my block. From her, I got to know her culture and background. Too her country and so on. Well, nice meeting and accidentally sit with her during the Calculus and this is how we met.
Anna, today only I got to know her name. She got a sweet voice and make me feel peace when listen to her. Nice girl though. Thanks for lending me the calculus tutorial exercise.
From four to seven finally we finish those stupid equation. Gladys is so funny that she is good with the tough quesiton yet when comes to the ABC one she lost her way. Haha.. The funniest part is when we together walk out from the library we both lost the way to go home hahaha. Suffering from those Calculus question just like having a car crash man. In the library we laugh i mean silently, we inter change place to get more well to each other and the tough quesiton. We laugh as we heard the puffing sound of one's flip flop shoes, someone fall asleep with wide open mouth at the sofa. Wow really admired them can sleep anywhere. I do really immerse during the discussion session I learn to learn and learn to teach too.
Morning, having English tutorial class. Teacher want all of us to be primary three student. As she is going to teach us something pretty basic like nouns and others. So we read by spelling the words and eagerly put up our hand high to answer for the question. It is kind of fool but fun. We warm up very soon after.
After that, meet with my senior friend, Boon Lye, who is going to UUM soon. Best wishes for him. I know he can do well in his future studies no matter where he goes he will be bless so.
Soon ,after this thanks for Bro Sheridan picking me up to complete my long due to-do stuff. Thanks for a newly known guy call Ah Qing? Weird. Well, message for you. I will try to mix with more friends. No worries. And, at library a guy I don't know or I forget come and sit with me. 0.o wow and seems like I am his long way friend. Do I know him ? Dunno. Well, over nice make me scared lol. Anyway thanks for ..... come and knowing me should I say so?.....
Last as to end my day, I would like to thanks my sister for sharing her cooks with me. I mean I have save some penny for the rainny days. Last but not least, thanks for my China's housemates. Till now no conflicts but laughther. They just like my sisters and brother. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with me.